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3rd time lucky?

I don’t have a strong track record when it comes to travelling through northern France.

My last continental bike ride was going well until I crossed the border from Belgium into France, then technical difficulties took over and nearly caused me to miss my ferry home.

But then just last week far worse.

I was driving back from our family holiday in the southwest when someone drove into the back of my car rendering it un-drivable.

It is still in Le Mans waiting to be recovered.

So the indications are pretty good for a bike ride from Paris to London this weekend aren’t they?

I must be insane.

But anyway this is what’s happening, and there’s no backing out because you’ve all been generous enough to sponsor me for Cancer Research – to the tune of nearly £500 at the last time of checking.

There is still plenty of time to add a few quid – just click here to donate.

I don’t get the opportunity to do this sort of thing very often, so I’m going to try and enjoy it and provide a few updates here and on social media for those of you who have supported me – or can’t wait to see what goes wrong.

Cheers, and I’ll see you on the other side

(of the English Channel)


Published inCyclingLondonLondon to Paris

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