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The frustrations of technology, and Royal baby name relief

We signed up for a free trial of Netflix this week, but might not have done had we foreseen the trouble it would cause.

At this point I should point out that none of the trouble related directly to Netflix, but the much underused PS3 that sits underneath my television gathering dust for 51 weeks of the year.

I earn my living working for a software and data company, and while I’m a long way from being a programmer, I’d still like to think that over the course of my career this has imbued me with a smidgin of technicality.

Perhaps not enough to make dealing with Playstation easy.

On firing it up, I quickly realised two things. Firstly we’ve changed internet provider (and router) since I last used it, so needed to reconnect to the home wifi network, and secondly we do not have the Netflix app so would need to download it.

On most devices these would be fairly simple operations.

I will spare you a blow-by-blow account, but after a series of instructions ranging from the slightly ambiguous to downright inaccurate, two software upgrades and a password reset (for which I had to use the Macbook) – we finally managed to get the thing working with almost enough time left to watch a film whilst it was still Saturday evening.

Isn’t this sort of technology supposed to be easy?

It is a good time to be trialling Netflix.

They’ve started spending some serious money on their own exclusive content, and Chloe’s just left work to begin her maternity leave.

So we had just got Netflix working when she suggested that it would be a good idea to set up the BT Vision box as well.

I realised she was joking after I had made my feelings on the subject very clear.

Speaking of babies, you would have to have been living under a stone not to notice that we have had a Royal one since I last wrote a blog post. I liked the headline in Private Eye the best:

Woman has baby

It just about sums up my own level of excitement, however we were a bit worried that the choice of name might preclude one of the options on our own [incredibly] short list.

Thankfully we were able to breathe a sigh of relief, having never considered the possibility of naming Mk2 after a baby on EastEnders.

I think King George has more of a ring to it than King Kevin anyway.



Published inUncategorized


  1. Hi Mark,
    Phew, what a relief!
    When we had our son my husband drew the line at Frank, unfortunately.
    Hope all goes well in the next few weeks!

    • Mark Mark

      I know!

      Thanks Su, and maybe see you in a couple of weeks if you are about for the picnic. You may even get to meet the bump depending on what stage of immobility we have reached.

  2. Ian Fretwell Ian Fretwell

    Is this a genuine revelation or just your usual sense of humour?

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