It’s amazing how effectively two small children can curtail cycling adventures.
You may have been wondering what I’ve been doing during these last couple of years.
One project I’ve been working on is a craft beer subscription business called Imperial Beer Club, specialising in boxes of really interesting high strength beers.
I also ordered some new pants on the internet.
One of the things about having a mail order business is a heightened interest in parcel tracking, and these pants have been all over the place in the last week!
They started in the Netherlands, before being shipped (in the wrong direction) to Germany and from there to the UK, where I’ve tracked their progress through a series of depots to a newsagent in North London where they are waiting for me to collect this morning.
I hope they fit.
So why am I telling you all this?
The next destination for these new pants is a trip to the Netherlands.
I’m starting a new bike trip – from Hoek van Holland to Calais via Rotterdam, Antwerp, Gent and Brugge – sampling some of the local fare along the way.
By which I mean beer.

Bon voyage Mark. May the wind be always at your back
Ha – probably more like the rain in my face looking at the weather forecast! (But at least the beer will be good)
Great to hear this, looking forward to amusing photographs and long complicated descriptions of beverages!
PS the beer club link has part of the URL missing so its not working!